
Special publications


Prehistory and History of the Sahara

Scientific, international yearly journal.
Articles in English, Italian or French.
ISSN 1120-5679

Back issues of Sahara are available
starting from volume 5.

Also available online the table of contents of the following issues:


Back issues of Sahara are available from volume 5 through volume 13

Special publications

Livre des perles enfouies et du mystère précieux au sujet des indications des cachettes, des trouvailles et des trésors

Édition limitée, numérotée à 100 exemplaires, publiée en 2008 par les soins de‘Zerzura Club’ et‘Pyramids’. Seulement 50 exemplaires sont disponibles au prix de 68,00€ chacun. 250 pages plus deux annexes de 55 et 32 pages, trois cartes.

Tiré de la version française de 1907, publiée et traduite de l’arabe par Ahmed Bey Kamal, Membre de l’Institut Égyptien, Conservateur au Musée Égyptien du Caire.


Europe: € 68.00
USA and elsewhere: € 68,00 (plus shipment)

Prehistoric rock art in northern Chad

Arte rupestre nel Ciad

Prehistoric rock art in northern Chad (Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti). More than thirty-five rock art sites described and illustrated. Black and white and colour photographs. Text in Italian, 2 plates and one map with site location, 125 pages. Published 1996.

Europe: € 26,00
USA and elsewhere: $ 40.00 (plus shipment)


Proceedings of the “Meeting on Silica Glass and related desert events” held at the University of Bologna (Italy) on the 18th July 1996
Silica ‘96

Proceedings of the “Meeting on Silica Glass and related desert events” held at the University of Bologna (Italy) on the 18th July 1996. Silica Glass (or Libyan Desert Silica Glass) and its origin. Geologists and researchers report their hypotheses and the results of scientific research on this enigmatic natural glass. Texts of papers in English. Published 1997.

Europe: € 67,00
USA and elsewhere: $ 85.00 (postfree)

Last update Monday, September 2, 2013
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Sahara 24 | Abstracts 24

Sahara 23 | Abstracts 23
Sahara 22 | Abstracts 22
Sahara 21 | Abstracts 21
Sahara 20 | Abstracts 20
Sahara 19 | Abstracts 19
Sahara 18 | Abstracts 18
Sahara 17 | Abstracts 17
Sahara 16 | Abstracts 16
Sahara 15 | Abstracts 15
Sahara 14 | Abstracts 14
Sahara 13 | Abstracts 13
Sahara 12 | Abstracts 12
Sahara 11 | Abstracts 11
Sahara 10 | Abstracts 10
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